by - 5:42 AM

The NOOB in me has finally figured out how to access my old blogspot account. HOORAYY!

I was so embarrassed with my old blog, I just had to delete it. 

I decided to make a new one. 
Though, I know nobody may get to read it, but I decided to make it as my own virtual diary. 
I may not post as often, but at least it's a start. :) 

In a few weeks, LIFE would be different. I will be living on my own, in a new country, with no relatives or friends to meet. I am more anxious than excited. I haven't left home for the 28 years that I have been existing. I have always lived with my family, went to the same school from Kindergarten to University, residing in the same city where I was born. The longest I have been away from home was 2 months, and I can clearly recall how much I cried on my first night living in an apartment, sharing a room with strangers.

 Home is my comfort zone. Home is safe.

It's scary thinking about being away from your "usual", but I'm curious of what's to come. It will be difficult, but I will try my best to manage. 

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